Desertscaper - Game Platform of Desert City
Architectural Interactive & Game Project. 2020
SCI-Arc Design Lab 2020 Fall
Instructor: Damjan Jovanovic, M. Casey. Rehm
Site: Lucerne Valley, Los Angeles
Project Overview
In this project, we worked with Unreal Engine to create an interactive modelling app. The app is designed as a component-based system builder, where the user can select a component from a menu and place it in the game world. The components are sourced from the 3GAX design studio material and used in a modular fashion within the simulation environment. This project focuses heavily on the construction of a unified modeling/rendering game space, putting special focus on simulation as an aesthetic and functional methodology for design.

Studio Project
Architectural Interactive & Game Project
SCI-Arc Design Lab
Damjan Jovanovic, M. Casey. Rehm
Shuai Ma
Lucerne Valley, Los Angeles
Tools and Techniques
Unreal Engine, Rhino, Python, Processing, Megascan
Fall 2020